Tuesday, June 30, 2009

San Antonio is hot !!

Yes, it's hot here in San Antonio. But we've had some nice summers in the recent past. Whenever we have a summer when the heat is bearable, I am so grateful, because I know how brutal the heat can be.

Dennis is from New Jersey, but he doesn't complain too much about the heat. Why bother complaining? He considers himself a Texan, mostly a San Antonian. As a native San Antonian, I remember some real scorchers in the past. When I was a little girl, I remember my Grandmother walkng to the neighborhood grocery store in the early morning hours. She was not used to air conditioning, because no one had it. But she knew how to survive in the heat, you just didn't do anything outdoors in the hottest part of the day.

My Grandfather, Pablo Lerma, was the father of 5 girls, of whom one was my mother, the oldest. We called him "Apa" with the accent on the last "a". He would tell his daughters to fan him when he took a nap. He was a real male chauvinist, and proud of it. He owned a "nite club", where the house band played conjunto music. Together with Luis Gonzales, the band leader, and a strong waiter, he would throw out anyone who got too drunk and rowdy. No one messed with him. Bouncers were not needed at his place; he himself took care of things. If he wasn't my grandfather, I would have been afraid of him. He would have made a great town sheriff because everyone respected him. He didn't smile too much, and always spoke with authority. But with my brother and me, his two oldest grandchildren, he was very loving. He always introduced us to people with a hint of pride in his voice. I am so glad I got to experience unconditional love in my life. He died when I was a teenager, and I couldn't believe he had been taken away from me.

But I am going off on a tangent now. Suffice it to say that one must respect the weather whatever climate we live in. Know how to dress, when not to go out, and everything will be fine. Thank God we have a pool!

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