Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I went to lunch with the tennis ladies today. We went to the Liberty Bar. The poor bus boy was trying to fix the wobbly table. Actually, it went with the whole place, because the Liberty Bar is in serious need of leveling (sp?). I literally get motion sickness when I go there. Reminds me of the house they have or had at Cascade Caverns where you are standing sideways, but you're actually standing straight (or vice-versa!)

Anyway only 5 of us made it, because Janice had a ligament problem, and Carol forgot about our lunch. Patty couldn't make it either. Diane is the organizer, she emails all of us about time and place. Actually none of us had anything alcoholic to drink, so we didn't get too crazy or loud. There's Denise, who plays tennis about 4 times a week, Jamie is a very good tennis player, there's myself, the weakest link, and Mari, she's from Spain, and she probably learned to play on clay courts. Diane is a very good player, and she's always calm and consistent. Always getting the ball back.

We talked about taking a trip to either Vegas or Spain (with Mari as tour guide). But I doubt we'll actually do it. It would be nice, though. Who knows, sometime in the future it could happen.

It was funny, we all ordered the same thing, salmon patties, everything was good, just not outstanding. I hope nobody noticed, but I put a lot of ketchup on my food. Fish and fries - that calls for ketchup. I don't know why, but I love ketchup. I know, it's not very sophisticated, but I can't help it.

Next time, it's Jamie's turn to pick a restaurant, and a date. It should be interesting.


I didn't watch the Spurs tonight, but I know they lost. Now I'm going to be hoping somebody beats Dallas. I know, I should be rooting for Dallas because we're in the same state, but San Antonians as a rule, have never felt close to Dallas, we're like siblings that were separated at birth. Houston is like the wild child, San Antonio is the serious, mature one, and Dallas is uppity.
At least San Antonio has culture!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I'm going to try something...

I've always been a spontaneous person, much to the annoyance of my faithful husband. So I'm just going to write - whatever comes to my head.


So this is Fiesta Week. In the past, I felt kind of depressed or sad when we didn't celebrate in some way or another. I would like to attend some kind of Fiesta event, we'll see.

The Spurs killed the Dallas Mavericks last night, may the good guys prevail. I like to watch Mark Cuban lose his temper, I just plain enjoy watching him look bad. Also, looks like he's getting a bald spot on the top of his head. Normally, I'm not a mean person, but it's all part of the sport. Maybe that's why sports exist, so we can vent our anger and then pretend that we are not mean. We can say things like "let's kill them" or "anihilate the Mavs", then go back to our good and peaceful lives.

Tony Parker was the greatest! And he is so humble, always taking the spotlight off of himself and putting it on the team. Tim Duncan looked pretty good too, he had some pretty good moves. I don't know much about sports, or how to use sports vernacular, but I just know what I see. Let's send our good energy to the Spurs, may they win the whole thing!


On another subject - our daughter, Mia likes to watch " the Real Housewives of New Jersey". Before that, it was "The Real Housewives of Orange County", I think. But there's nothing "real" about them. Their hair, their outfits, their houses, their faces all seem fake. Not to mention their boobs (I hate that word!) But would we want to watch women who looked like hell, and had terrible hair, and stuff? Probably not.


I am on Facebook, and I will admit that it is fun to read comments and things that others on Facebook say on their home page. Lauren is the one that suggested I get on Facebook, then proceeded to do it for me. So I was on Facebook, and a little screen pops up, and it's our 23 yr. old nephew, Beau, from New Jersey. He writes "Aunt Ellie (that's what they call me up there) are you on?" Then he proceeds to chat for an hour about different things. When I've seen him in the past, we've probably talked in 5 minute blurbs. It was great to talk to him. I'm always flattered when a member of the younger generation has a conversation with me, because I guess it shows I'm not out of touch. When I was younger, I made a vow to myself that I would never forget what it's like to be young. It was great talking to Beau!


Lauren was in Bordeaux last weekend visiting her friend, Katie, whom they call KT or kt. Theirs is a foursome that have known each other since 2nd grade. They related to the movie and book "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants". Now they are all scattered, Clair at A&M, KT in Bordeaux, Emily (the real world traveler) is at Emory, after spending a semester abroad in London, and of course, Lauren is in Granada. Three of them will be seniors in college next year, KT is right behind them. It's hard to believe that they were all little girls not so long ago. They are all on Facebook too.


Well, I guess that's my blog; hope all these personal stories didn't bore you, but that's my everyday life.

Hopefully, one of these days, maybe when Lauren teaches me, I can put pictures in my blog.

Monday, April 20, 2009

I haven't blogged, because I've been so busy. And not feeling well since yesterday. Body aches, sinus problems. But I feel better.

We had some friends over on Saturday night, and we had a wonderful time. Anna and Chris came with their 2 little kids, our 2 grandsons. Thiego and Xabi. Different names, but they are the cutest kids. Thiego is pronounced Tiago, and Xabi is pronounced Shabi. Parents have the privilege of naming their kids whatever they want.

When we were thinking of names for our 4 children, we came up with some different names. Our first, Anna, or Annalisa, was going to be Anna Verushka. What was I thinking! There was a popular supermodel by that name, and I thought she had a cool name. I think Anna's glad now, that I didn't name her Verushka. Anna Lisa is a nice name (I think). Our second daughter, Mia Lindsay, was supposed to be Sophia, if Dennis had his way. But I've always thought Sophia sounds too much like a sofa, so I nixed that name. We went back and forth, he suggesting something, me not liking it, and vice-versa. Finally, I said, do you like "Mia" and he said, "it's OK", so I said, it's Mia. Then, when the nurse came in to ask for baby's name, I said, "Mia", then (since Dennis wasn't there), I said middle name "Lindsay". I hope Mia likes her middle name.

Our third child, a son, we had decided on "Matthew", I guess there were no arguments there. We did not know if it was going to be a boy or girl til he was born. Middle name: we went around on that one. We thought of "Dante", I thought of "Milano" a family surname. Finally, we settled on "John". After Dennis's Dad. Matthew John is easy, there's no explaining to do, or spelling it for the rest of child's life.

For our fourth and last child, I compiled a list of 10 names, for the other three kids and husband to decide. Actually, Matt was still a baby, so he didn't have a say in it. Everyone liked "Lauren" from the list. Middle name: I wished I had named her "Alexis", but for some reason, I settled on "Alexa". Lauren Alexa. She likes it now, Alexa, I mean, but for a while, she wished I had picked "Alexis". Oh, well, picking a child's name does not sound like a difficult task, but a person has to live with it the rest of his or her life.

Personally, I always disliked, and still do, my name, Elia. Although a lot of people tell me it's pretty. I always wanted to have a simple name, like "Mary", so that I would not have to spell it out, or explain it. It is what it is, as they say.

I just remembered, that in a friend's blog, he also wrote on the subject of names. But that's what people will do when talking about how Anna and Chris came up with their son's names. But, I will admit, that I am liking those names now. And I love those 2 little boys!